Use Case: Global Credit Management Solution
Use Case: Global Credit Management Solution
Use Case: Global Credit Management Solution

Use Case: Global Credit Management Solution

Corporate Credit Control in 65 Markets on Six Continents

  • Global Credit policy controls
  • Credit Scoring
  • Credit information
  • Credit decision automation
  • Credit management workflows
  • The Situation

The client is one of the world’s largest diversified advertising and media companies, located in 65 markets on six continents. They utilized a slow and complex process for approving, monitoring, and rolling-up credit exposures for customers across hundreds of agency networks. Credit policies were not being uniformly followed, subjecting the company to excess risk throughout their global network. They were also under pressure from their compliance department to better control and secure customer data for all their global entities.


We configured Carixa-Credit as an integrated platform for customer management, incorporating credit information, risk scoring, plus automation of routine credit decisions according to corporate policy. We established workflows by authority levels, so decisions are always made at the appropriate level and according to current guidelines, from the agency in the market to corporate management, as needed. In addition, detailed decision audit tracking provided historical decision backup, including changes in limits, ratings, and approval histories. We designed the Carixa platform for simplicity of use, and regardless of language and culture, it was quickly and seamlessly deployed globally. To meet the client’s particular security policies, we established an instance of the Cartixa software inside the client’s own data center.


Carixa’s decision workflow for the credit process sped up credit decisions and provided a seamless and secure data environment across 1,100 users in 65+ markets on six continents. Automated workflows eliminated inefficient email chains and communications over twenty-four time zones. A credit analyst anywhere in the world is self-guided by the system, working within now-standardized corporate policies. Auditable, detailed approval and change tracking enable auditors to back into any action. Client executives can view risks by customer, unit, geography, or globally rolled up for consolidated risk analysis across all hierarchies of customers and regions.

To find out how we can help you gain the productivity and financial results obtained by our clients, please click below to set up a conversation with our executive team.

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